Wendy is Finally Putting Her “You Should Sell Your Things, Ideas, Crafts, Decorations, Creations, & Antiques” in GEAR!!!

First, …I Want to Thank everyone that has always believed in, helped, supported, & encouraged me to shine more light on all the things not only that I Love to do…but love to make!! If i had a dollar for all the times all of the amazing family, friends, supporters have told me to start a business or cooking blog!! this whole process would have started sooner & been a lot easier!! I LOVE to cook & I love all things country, rustic, growing things, farming, flowers esp. sunflowers!, seasonal, hunting, fishing, homesteading, & have always been an ambitious, can do it all, learn & do all the things kind of person!! From Having all types of animals, farming, tractors, trucks, hunting, fishing, baking, learning to cook all the animals i have harvested. Like anything you imagine doing, It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to have your own business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with everyone. Maybe that little voice in the back of your head trying to tell you to go for it, or your family and friends telling you to do that craft show, start your own business, sell them! make them! or how much to make me one? Finally sticks…or pushes you over the edge haha…Whatever it is, once you realize you have pushed the pause button more times then can count, always have a reason or excuse to why you talk yourself out of it EVERY TIME, think what you create won’t sell, not good enough, or that it’s just a pipe dream idea...until you take the first steps you never know until you try!!

So Here I Am wanting to share all the things I love with all of you!! I Love Hunting…& hunting everything…I Love not just Farming, but Antique Tractors [(slight obsession here & a RED Tractor Only Fan :) ],Tractor Pulling, Bow Fishing, DOGS!! I currently love Coon Hunting with my Redbone Coon Hound River!!, Bird Hunting with my Dear Older German Shorthair Pointer Cinder, Squirrel hunting with my Young Fiest in Training Cricket!! & my Mountain Cur Pepper!! (Did I Mention my Dog problem along with my tractor problem…& lifted jeep & truck obsession (esp. My Lifted Ram Diesel “Elvira”)….from rock picking for my flower beds, Deer Hunting, Bear Hunting (my absolute fav animal to hunt & cook! If you think its crazy i will literally make you Bear Sausage & you will understand why! its like brussel sprouts haha unless its made right you might not ever have an opportunity to be able to appreciate how good it really is!! I also have a flower problem…its bad…but nothing is more fulfilling for me then a weekend drive to get coffee & load my truck cab, bed, & dog box full of flowers!! from loving making flower gardens, growing cut flowers, making my own decorations (did i mention my antique problem?? the struggle is real), duck decoy obsession, nesting hen antique obsession, making jams, sewing, crafts, gifts, etc.

I truly put my heart & soul into all that i do! & So excited to share my business journey with all of you!! From antlers, keychains, cups/tumblers, jewelry, stickers/decals, flowers, floral, country themed, rustic themed, hunting themed, hobo themed, farm, tractor, western, antique, crafts, gifts, candles, decorations, & all the things i love! Can’t wait to share them all with all of you! :) its just me so check back for new inventory & availabilty as i make new things & update weekly & even daily!! <3